Annual Read Week 12


God is continuing to shape Israel into his people as we read through the book of Numbers. He is breaking them of their desire for slavery and calling on them to trust in Him alone. However, the Israelites repeatedly forget what God has done and they turn to fear. They don’t trust that God will provide for them in the desert, and they don’t trust that God will deliver on His promises. Still, God does not abandon them as His chosen people and He continues to show them that He is good and trustworthy!

As we read further, God has now shown the people the land that was promised to their ancestors, that He delivers them into by His mighty hand. It is wonderful to reflect and to see God’s patience with such a wayward group, especially in light of my own waywardness.

Read Psalm 37 taking the words to heart.
What fears does this Psalm alleviate for you?

What is one place you can place your trust back on God this week?

Cole Beshore

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman



What an amazing time in the life of our church last weekend…

  • 500 men gathered on Saturday morning at our Men’s Breakfast and many boldly stood to put to death things in their lives hindering them from being the man God designed them to be…
  • We launched our “How to Start a Revolution” series and hundreds stood in community to be prayed over, and many chose to fearlessly follow God’s voice and be baptized…
  • Our growing Sunday Night Service moved to the community center and had it’s largest attendance ever, with many choosing to follow Jesus by standing and declaring “I Believe”…


You’re not going to want to miss this weekend as we continue in our “How to Start a Revolution” series. We’ll have the opportunity to live out in a very tangible way the purpose and calling of the Church as we love and serve those around us. This is a fantastic weekend to invite anyone and everyone you know who is exploring spiritual questions or even those skeptics who might be antagonistic towards Jesus and His Church…they will get to clearly see the vision of who we are called to be as we walk it out together in a powerful way.

I love being a part of the story God is writing here…can’t wait to be with you all…



A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, we finished up our Heroes series in a wonderful way. What a great weekend as we watched people respond to God’s call and heroically stand to follow Christ. This Sunday, we will have a great opportunity to be “fearless” in the form of generosity. We will discover how we are blessed in so many ways, and how God has called us to “do good” with all we have been given.

It’s an exciting weekend for our church as we bless those both locally and globally who are in need.


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Be brave. Be strong. Don’t give up. Expect God to get here soon. Psalm 31:24

This weekend, across all Mariners’ campuses, we’ll familiarize ourselves with a phrase that has become one of our rally cries: BE FEARLESS.

That idea is somewhat unconventional in a world governed by fearfulness. Corporations spend exorbitant amounts of money to artificially create fears that can be (for a small price) alleviated by the purchase of the goods they sell. The statistics on the use of anti-anxiety medication are quite telling – up 30% from a decade ago. People generally resign themselves to a life that is, at least somewhat, centered on coping with fear. Foremost of the anxiety creating factors in peoples’ lives: money. People talk often about how money-issues create a kind of captivity that feels virtually inescapable. School loans, car loans, mortgages, saving for the future, keeping a roof over our heads, and an occasional Starbucks all add up. We find ourselves fearful that we’ll never be able to get out from underneath it all.

While the issue of money is a broad conversation, with a multitude of implications, one of the most compelling remedies for the grip money (or, the stuff we’ve accumulated with it) has on our lives, is learning to release our control over it by taking courageous steps toward generosity. This Sunday, we’ll take those steps together. We’ll look into the face of the needs surrounding our church community – big needs like: feeding and clothing at-risk families and children, education programs for the underprivileged, extending basic medical care here and abroad, job training and literacy classes, homeless shelter renovations, and improving the living conditions of kids in foster care among others.

Perhaps you’ve heard us use the phrase: “The beauty of our church is always best expressed outside the walls of the worship center.” We believe in it wholeheartedly. This weekend, we’ll put that idea into practice. We’ll raise money and keep NONE of it for our interior church needs. The church never looks more beautiful than when it’s generous. I look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we bravely live out generosity

See you Sunday,
