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Hey, this is Kyle. If you’re still reading, I’d like to say “you’re awesome!” by giving you a beverage from the cafe. Please stop by the Welcome Center this weekend and pick up a coupon and let us know, “I love it!”


A Note From Jeff Maguire


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…”  Matthew 28:19-20a

Jesus’ final words, as Matthew records them, are among the most central to historic Christianity. Jesus instructs the apprentices to His way of life (the disciples) to multiply themselves. In some cases, this gets interpreted flatly as: “Go make converts…” In that sense, the principle goal of faith is merely to give to someone a fresh thought on the spiritual life. But, Jesus tells people who have recklessly given up their lives to follow Him to help other people to do the same foolish thing. And, the task has the whole world in view.

Then He instructs His own disciples (the insecure, shallow, power-hungry, people-pleasing, attention-grabbers that they were) to baptize these new apprentices. They’ll immerse these new disciples in water, symbolic of dying to an old life. Then, they’ll be lifted up out of the water soaked in new life with Jesus.

For a lot of us, we wonder how to “disciple” people. What does that really mean? We neither want to seem pushy nor insincere about conveying what life with Jesus is really about. Churches have a number of ways in which people come to understand all of what it means to walk with Jesus. No system is truly perfect. But, the best methods involve discussion, authentic relationships, personal experiences with the practices of discipleship, and (not least) an examination of God’s Word, the Bible. Mariners’ method is called ROOTED. If you are looking to get the clearest picture of what it means to follow Jesus, Rooted is for you. If you are a person taking Jesus’ commission seriously, consider inviting people to join you in a Rooted experience (even if you’ve already been a part of one). Get signed up for Rooted here.

This Sunday, we’ll celebrate, publicly, what life with Jesus is about in baptism. It’s a powerful symbol succinctly telling the story of letting old things go and embracing the Holy Spirit infused newness of life that is given to us in Jesus. If you’ve never been baptized as an adult, consider what is holding you back. Baptism isn’t a gimmick. It’s a powerful public marker, made in the presence of the church family, of the work Jesus has done and is doing in our lives. Email Kim Alexander to let us know if you’d like to be baptized. But, should you show up and wish you had emailed us, don’t worry about it, the water’s fine. We’ll make room.

I cannot think of a better way to illustrate all of what Jesus accomplished during Easter weekend than with Baptism. I am as excited about this coming Sunday as I have been for any since I started at Mariners.

See you Sunday,


A Note From Jeff Pries


Wow, what a weekend…Easter was amazing! We had almost 1,000 people on campus, and we had it all; kids running everywhere in a quest for the elusive Easter egg; an amazing time of worship and celebration in the service. We had 14 people boldly stand up and give powerful testimonies with a simple piece of cardboard. It is amazing that people can tell their story in such a moving way in just two sentences. Then, we had the opportunity to hear a message on what Easter is all about; the tomb is empty and our Savior has risen! Also, we had the opportunity to stop on Friday and focus on the power of Jesus’ death on the cross. For those of you who were able to make it last weekend, thank you for making it such an incredible celebration. Much of this was able to happen because of our amazing volunteers. There were so many who came in during the week to prepare the campus for the weekend, and there were scores more who volunteered on Easter Sunday, so thank you to all for making it such a special day. To see some pictures of the weekend, click here.

We are entering a new series What If? and essentially we kicked it all off on Easter. What if Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus, and His claims are true? What if your life could look dramatically different than it does today? What if you lived with a sense of joy, freedom and purpose? Like the early audiences of Jesus, we are invited to choose either living in our skepticism or discovering the truth of who Jesus is. Join us for a remarkable journey through the Gospel of Luke as we explore What If and discover what’s possible when we follow Him.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


It’s the week after Easter and it’s going to be great.
It’s the week after Easter, so don’t be late.

That’s all the poetic inspiration I have at this moment, but I promise I’ll be more inspired on Sunday.

Sunday we kick-off the series WHAT IF.
…what if it’s true?
…what if Jesus still lives?
…what if Jesus has more for me… for my life…?

You’re not going to want to miss these messages from the life and ministry of Jesus. Bring someone with you.

Couple of other things…

Sign up for ROOTED. If finances are an issue, come Sunday and find Ericka on the patio. (Or email her right now).

Play VOLLEYBALL for charity. May 3rd, Newland courts. Mariners HB is co-sponsoring a 4-on-4 vball tournament for the NEGU (Never Ever Give Up) Foundation. You can bring a team, or we can put you on a team. Sign up here or on the patio this Sunday.


P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

P.S.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy Easter! It seems so long ago – can you believe it was just last weekend?! And what a weekend we shared…it was amazing to see so many people come and experience the power, truth and hope found in the death and resurrection of Jesus! I loved meeting your friends and family on the patio, hearing how proud you were they came with you to experience Jesus and community with us at Mariners.

This weekend, I’m thrilled to be launching our new series titled, What If? It seems like the questions that create the most fear and worry in life begin with “What if…” But What If the resurrection is true and Jesus is alive? What if that same power that raised Him from the dead is available to transform our lives today? What if the relationships and hope we’re longing for in this world can truly be found in following Jesus? Your friends and family will want to join you again at church this week as we launch into this series from Luke together.

And – this Saturday night we’re gonna be having a family dinner together…food and fun options for everyone! Come and meet my family, connect with others, and meet some of our staff.  We’d love for you to join us.



What If Series


What if the claims of Jesus are true? What if your life could look dramatically different than it does today? What if you lived with a sense of joy, freedom and purpose? Like the early audiences of Jesus, we are invited to choose either living in our skepticism or discovering the truth of who Jesus is. Join us for a remarkable journey through the Gospel of Luke as we explore What If and discover what’s possible when we follow Him.

Join us for our weekend services:
Huntington Beach
Mission Viejo
Ocean Hills 
Santa Ana