
A Note from Jeff Pries


It was another great Sunday this past weekend. We had our first baptisms in our new baptismal and celebrated with a BBQ as a church family! It was so great to see over 20 people publicly share their faith and be baptized. As always, thanks to all who made the barbecue a huge success. And I might add, I love our new team that is running the latte cart, keeping us all caffeinated.

We also launched our “egg your neighbor” Easter invite this past weekend, at my expense I might add! If you missed the service and are wondering what egging your neighbor has to do with inviting people to Easter, check out our Facebook page. As we move toward Easter, consider who you can invite. Easter is a unique opportunity where people who seem hesitant to come to church are more open to the idea. So be praying about who you can invite to Easter!

See you Sunday as we continue in our “How to Start a Revolution” series, embracing and taking part in the revolution of transformation Jesus started thousands of years ago!

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