Career Support Network

For many individuals, entering or re-entering the workforce can be a daunting and overwhelming process, but it is the goal of the Career Support Network to support, advise, and encourage attendants to enter the job market with confidence in their own God-given talents.

Join us for our May meeting as we discuss Resume Writing in this six-session Career Transition Workshop.

Click here for info or to RSVP.

Thursday, May 15, 5:30 – 7p
Life Development Bld, r206

A Note From Jeff Pries


We are heading into the story of our faith – Jesus, heading into Jerusalem, heralded as the potential King, only to be ultimately led to the cross. Over the next two weeks we will be following Scripture as it takes us from Palm Sunday, to Good Friday to Easter. Please remember, this is the story that your friends, your neighbors and your family need to hear. The story of God’s love, as shown on the cross, and the story of God’s power, the power of Easter and God rising from the dead.

You have people in your life who need to hear the saving power of Jesus, and for many people, all it takes is an invite. So please be praying for the people in your life you can invite. It’s an exciting and compelling next two weeks and you won’t want to miss it.



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I am so excited for you to be a part of this season in our church. This week I’ve been hearing some powerful stories about the humility and grace experienced in our services last weekend. People stood to pray together, believing and trusting in the healing power and presence of Jesus. Tonight, we get to gather at the Dream Event to passionately pursue the calling God has designed for each of us. And of course, the Easter season is upon us!

We begin our journey to Easter this weekend celebrating the joy of Palm Sunday together…kids, palm branches, singing, and Doug Fields will be teaching! Then join me next Friday for our Good Friday experiences as we reflect on the cost of brokenness and the power of the Cross. And of course, next weekend is Easter – the Resurrection! Our Easter experiences are always filled with beauty, power, joy and the hope that Jesus gives in bringing dead things back to life! We need this season…our neighbors, friends, and families need this season. Invite them to join you as together we find the strength and freedom we’re looking for in Jesus as He changes us, becoming all of who He designed us to be.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


This morning, as I went to get a new battery for our high-performance minivan from the niche automotive specialists at Costco, I saw a guy walking out of the store with six hams. Six. I counted. In fact, I checked out what everyone was buying. People buy strange things. People buy things that don’t really match the imagined life story I’ve given to them. Some people buy too few of items. Shampoo and tortellini? That’s it? In the world’s biggest warehouse chain… that’s it. But, six hams was peculiar. Why would anyone buy six hams? Then, I realized that for whatever reason, ham is what people traditionally eat on Easter Sunday. This guy, with his six hams was clearly getting ready for the coming holiday.

But, that might be just about the only announcement about the world’s most history-shaping event. Christmas has lights. Christmas has non-stop radio broadcasts of carols. Christmas has a marketing machine behind it – gifts for everyone! At Christmas, there is massive build-up. But, at Easter, which is – in many respects – the reason for Christmas, there are six hams. Sure there’s a bunny at Wal-mart. There are a few candy items. But, there’s no song. There’s no irrational debt accumulation to celebrate the Resurrection.

There are six hams.

Easter is about a new life of possibility. Easter is about hope. Easter is about victory over the darkest and most painful realities of life. Easter causes people to really consider what they think about Jesus. It’s impossible to look at the Resurrection of Jesus and say merely that He was a wise, compassionate teacher. Easter is also one of the few times in the year when people are willing to come to church to face this reality.

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday hopefully (and desperately) anticipates the ironic victory of Jesus on the cross and the shocking beauty of the Resurrection. As we approach these next two weekends, consider who, in your life is longing for an experience of Easter that is far more than merely a pastel-themed party, with deviled eggs, and six hams.

As always, I love meeting the friends you bring to experience what God is doing here at Mariners.

See you this Sunday,


A Note From Caleb Anderson


It’s PALM SUNDAY people! If you aren’t clear on the significance of that, make sure you’re at one of our services–8:30, 10:00, 11:30am. If you think you know the significance, come prepared to have your perspective renewed.

Also, come HUNGRY! We’re serving Korean BBQ after every service.

Why are we serving Korean BBQ after every service? Did Jesus eat short-ribs on Palm Sunday?

Probably not. But we are a multi-cultural church. And Korean BBQ is like the Golden Gate Bridge over cultural divides (just go with me on that). Plus, it’s delicious. Come, stay, eat, and make some new friends!

Don’t forget to invite your friends to an Easter service (8:30, 10:00, 11:30am with plenty of overflow space).

Don’t forget to grab more Easter invitations when you come this Sunday.

Don’t forget to volunteer at one of the services.

And don’t forget to listen to and pass along recent messages here

Easter’s coming…


JHM Life Groups


Our JHM Life Groups exist to give students a place to connect with other Christians and to grow deeply as authentic followers of Jesus. LifeGroups meet at the Ocean Hills campus and are assigned a leader who is committed to teach, encourage, and provide vision, direction, and support to each student within the group. We play games, have fun, hang out, hear God’s word and discuss it with friends and leaders.

Tuesdays, 7:00 – 8:30p