A Note from Jeff Maguire


This week, the Mariners Mission Viejo staff team is attending the Catalyst conference (at the Mariners Irvine campus). Thousands of leaders have converged in an event that is part inspiration, part worship service, and part pep rally. The conference is built around a single, central guiding theme: being KNOWN.

To put it differently, we’re being asked to consider who we are — really are. Being known sounds like a terrific idea until we realize all its implications. What if people really knew us, the real us? What if the people who are supposed to know us, don’t? What if being known means living with a level of vulnerability we’re unprepared for? In truth, we live our lives with a measured skepticism about how much of us should actually be known, while concurrently longing for an end to our experience of loneliness and isolation.

Yet, it is Jesus who has made (is making, and constantly re-making) us into the people He intended us to become. He’s aware of us — not merely aware of our physical presence. He is aware of our needs, our fears, our insecurities, our failures, our dreams, our hopes, our heartaches, and our longings. In short, we are already known. He’s got us. He’s got us even when we lose ourselves.

The world doesn’t have the last say about who we are. We don’t have to be defined by our employment. We aren’t the sum-total of all we can possess. We aren’t merely the collection of what everyone says we are. We aren’t the mistakes of our past. We are not shame. We are not regret. We are “more than conquerors”… That is how we are known.

As we approach Easter, consider that you are already known by God. It is precisely for that reason (not in spite of it) that God would come, in Jesus, to initiate His global restoration project. It is for that reason we are not merely intended to be the passive spectators of His great work in the world. People who follow Jesus and are a part of His work in the world are called “followers” and “disciples”. Jesus calls the ones He already knows — normal, imperfect, frightened people — be a part of His work. Join us this week as Doug Fields gives us a clearer picture of what it looks like to apprentice ourselves to Jesus in His work in the world.

See you Sunday,


A Note from Jeff Pries


It was another great Sunday this past weekend. We had our first baptisms in our new baptismal and celebrated with a BBQ as a church family! It was so great to see over 20 people publicly share their faith and be baptized. As always, thanks to all who made the barbecue a huge success. And I might add, I love our new team that is running the latte cart, keeping us all caffeinated.

We also launched our “egg your neighbor” Easter invite this past weekend, at my expense I might add! If you missed the service and are wondering what egging your neighbor has to do with inviting people to Easter, check out our Facebook page. As we move toward Easter, consider who you can invite. Easter is a unique opportunity where people who seem hesitant to come to church are more open to the idea. So be praying about who you can invite to Easter!

See you Sunday as we continue in our “How to Start a Revolution” series, embracing and taking part in the revolution of transformation Jesus started thousands of years ago!

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I was in Kenya for the weekend…

No, seriously. Holiday and I left last Wednesday and returned Monday. Our church partner, Mavuno, was having a grand opening celebration for the new land and facility God has blessed them with, so we went to surprise them and represent you. It was such a gift as the “power of presence” is everything in Kenyan culture. Pastor Muriithi, the staff, and the people of Mavuno felt so honored and loved by our church. And we were able to personally distribute “Be Fearless” funds to the ministries of Mavuno, loving and caring for those in and around Nairobi!

#CatalystWest  I love how God is using our campus to bless over 3500 young leaders this week as we host CatalystWest. It’s amazing to see how the generosity of our church over the years is able to bless and empower the Kingdom in this way, at this time. It’s just another example of how God leverages every sacrifice and every dollar into building His People to bring the Good News into every corner of the world.

This weekend, we’re continuing our “How to Start a Revolution” series, examining the revolution of love and transformation initiated by Jesus. I believe your life and your relationships are being changed as you become more of who you were created to be, and I know there are many in your life who are desperate to find hope and healing. I’m praying that God will reveal someone around you to invite to church with you this weekend, and you’d have the willingness to walk into the conversation confidently and boldly, knowing that God is already at work. Let’s give the gift of freedom to those around us…let’s help them see Jesus.



Women’s Easter Prayer Event


He is not here, he has risen… (Matt 28:6)

Believe, Rejoice, Experience the Resurrection. Arise early, arrive at the “empty tomb” where together we will believe, rejoice and experience the renewed power of the Resurrection in our lives. Light breakfast will be served, all ages welcome, bring a jacket. Click here or contact Sharon for more info or find us on Facebook!

Saturday, April 5, 8:30 – 10:30a
in the Chapel, free

MV Men’s Breakfast


Join the men of Mariners Church Mission Viejo for breakfast and special guest speaker. Learn about the Men’s Ministry and see how we encourage and challenge each other to be better men of God in the home, workplace, church and world. We are a group of guys that are here for each other and growing in Christ. Contact Derek Kishida for more info.

Saturday, April 5, 8 – 10a
MCMV Upper Room
Register online, $10
Childcare Provided (RSVP for childcare with first name and age of child to cbair@marinerschurch.org)