
A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, it’s hard to believe, but summer will be here before we know it. This week as a staff, we began to plan our summer calendar for the church. We have been looking for ways we can be a family together and have fun, as well as ways we can include our friends. So, we ripped off the Sprint marketing plan, and have planned some great “Framly Fun Days.”

Now, how do we know summer is right around the corner? Because this weekend is Mother’s Day, that great reminder that spring is in full bloom. This weekend is a great weekend to celebrate moms, and women in our lives who have had a “motherly” influence. It’s a time to just say thank you to the women who have had an instrumental impact in our lives. At the same time, we understand that this is a weekend that is full of emotion, both celebratory and sad. For many, Mother’s Day is a day of unmet expectations and so it can be at times challenging. If that is the case for you, or people you know, please know that we will be sensitive to all sides.

For me, Mother’s Day has always been special, because I had an incredible mom and I love to celebrate her. At the same time, this is the first year for me where my mom will not be with us, because she passed away this year. So it has a touch of sadness for me. It will be a great weekend of celebration, no matter where you fall.

As always, we want to be a church of “inviters,” so be thinking of friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members you can invite. We will continue in the What If series. This weekend, the message is What If: That was you?  What does that mean? You will have to come and find out. As always, it is great going through life with you.



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