
A Note From Jeff Pries


We had a great Sunday last weekend. It was powerful to intentionally take time out of our worship service to honor those men and women who gave their lives for our country. In the spirit of honoring our military, we are putting on a baby shower for the pregnant military moms from Camp Pendleton. This is an opportunity to bless the women (and little babies) whose husbands are off serving our country. We’re asking for diapers/wipes/$10 Target gift cards. Please consider jumping in and blessing these families by bringing any of the mentioned items to church this Sunday. We’ll have a bin available to collect all of the diapers and wipes. You have always been a generous church; lets continue to shower these women so they may feel loved by Mariners Ocean Hills.

There is a lot going on here at Mariners Ocean Hills. First of all, it’s not too late to sign up for the Men’s Retreat. We will be leaving Friday the 6th and coming back on Sunday the 8th. It will be a great time to connect with men and enjoy the great surrounding of Forest Home. Secondly, we are planning some fun events for the summer, check out the information on Framly Summer Sundays starting Sunday June 29th with our Super Summer Sundays: BBQ! These Sundays are designed around our church family inviting friends to Mariners Ocean Hills. And, there’s no better first step than inviting a friend to one of our summer events. Also, VBS is just around the corner – you or someone you know will not want to miss this event. It is easily one of the greatest weeks of summer for young kids (and parents).



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