
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Overwhelmed…that’s how I felt as I watched many of you respond and come forward in our experiences last weekend, acknowledging you were letting go of comfort and safety, and stepping into a life wholeheartedly trusting Jesus. Overwhelmed…by conversations with you on the patio where I witnessed authenticity, transparency and new beginnings. Overwhelmed…because of the humility and dependence put on display through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, using you to change the world through relationship.

I believe that this week God has been whispering to each of you about who He is – a loving, present, powerful Father, and who you are – His loving child, created and uniquely designed by Him. And, as He whispers I know the world is screaming at you, feeding you deceitful lies and calling you names – failure, worthless, unlovable. The only way we can make it through this gauntlet of deception is together – trusting and centering our lives around God’s Word and our relationship with Him.

I can’t wait for this weekend as we continue in What If? and consider what God truly wants from us, or more importantly, for us. Invite your friends and family to join you – I promise it will be a gift to you and them…



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