
A Note From Jeff Maguire


But God helped them anyway, commanded the clouds
and gave orders that opened the gates of heaven.
He rained down showers of manna to eat…
-Psalm 78:23-24 [MSG]

Psalm 78 retells the story of the rebelliousness of God’s people. At best, they’re merely distracted and forget God. At worst, these same people eagerly exchange their allegiance with God for the pseudo-gods of empty promises and shallow religiosity. And, when in the midst of discovering that these other gods fail to deliver at the most critical moments of their lives, the people remember the roots of their faith and unceremoniously blame God for abandoning them, wondering where He’s been all along. Yet…

…He “helped them anyway…”

This is everyone’s story. It’s definitely mine. Admittedly, I’m among the most distracted, blame-oriented, fear-driven, self-focused people I know. When life – the life I’ve chosen for myself – turns out to be less-than-wonderful, I immediately wonder why God has marooned me to my own selfish desires. I blame Him. Then, I cry out to Him. I cry out to Him without the purest of motives. I pray for God to rescue me while my loyalties are still very much divided. My soul starves for His sustenance while I complain about the paucity of menu options. I want my life without God. Yet, I need His rescuing power. I know I won’t be able to live up to my perceived end of the proverbial bargain. I’m afraid God might not want me as I am. But, because He knows me already and loves me…

…He helps me anyway.

See you Sunday,


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