
A Note From Jeff Pries


It was so much fun being at church together Sunday, and then when those with young kids went over to Ballpark Pizza and we just hung out, it felt like what church is all about – being in community and sharing life together. The kids had a blast, and naturally, the guys got involved in a good battle of air hockey, which Jon Ramsay won!

The gifts for the Military Baby Shower are really piling up, thank you so much for being part of blessing these women with these gifts. There is still time to bring diapers, wipes, or Target gift cards if you would like. The shower will be held this Sunday on our campus.

Please be praying for the Men’s Retreat, as over 20 guys from Mariners Ocean Hills will be attending. We will be part of over 200 guys from all of the Mariners Campuses. It should be a great weekend!

Speaking of guys, we are beginning to get ready for Father’s Day. We will have a work day (Friday, June 13), to help set up for Sunday, so if you can spare a couple hours, sign up this Sunday at the Welcome Center.

I know summer is a busy time, but we have a lot of things planned for you. Do your best this summer to keep your connection to church as part of your weekly rhythm. Often times, we think summer is vacation time; it doesn’t have to mean a vacation from everything in life. It’s fun doing life and ministry with you.



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