
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Have you been resting in your relationship with God this week? Are you finding ways to create space and listen to God’s voice reminding you of who you are as His child? Leading you, guiding you, healing you…giving you wisdom and strength for the journey? What a powerful time we shared together last weekend as we celebrated Jesus as the author of our Sabbath, remembering His sacrifice for us, making peace with God our Father, and inviting us to rest in our relationship with Him. I love the series we are going through as a church family and I love the invitation you are extending to friends and family to join you. Every week it’s an honor to say hello to you on the patio and meet the people you are inviting to be a part of the journey with you. As life continues to pull at your heart and time, fight for the space to join with your church family. It is so important we come together to celebrate and remember who God is by responding and becoming more like the fearless world changers He created us to be.



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