
A Note From Caleb Anderson



Don’t let the man in your life miss this Sunday. It’s going to be a lot fun—both inside the theater and on the patio!

Here’s what you can tell the dad, husband, or friend in your life regarding Sunday at Mariners HB:

– Caleb said his message will be extra good and relevant to you
– I’ll DVR the US Open (golf) and watch it all afternoon with you (after church)
– Instead of just me saying “Happy Father’s Day,” how about 200 other smiling people appreciating you too?
– They’re grilling hot dogs! Wrapped in bacon!! And you can have more than one!!!

If you’re not a dad—or if you’re a woman, for example—there’s plenty for you this Sunday, too. It will be a fun weekend for ALL.

Plus, don’t forget:

Zany Mania: Night out for parents, fun night in for kids. More info here.

July 4 Breakfast and Parade: Join us on the Main Street lawn—yes, lots of us… and lots of breakfast. Bring your whole life group or friends from your neighborhood. Details here. 

See you soon!


The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. Psalm 103:13

P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

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