A Note From Jeff Maguire


“The greatest among you will be your servant.”
– Matthew 23:11

This Sunday is going to be great.

On Sunday afternoons, when I run into friends, they often ask me: “How was Sunday?” I have a number of semi-stock answers I give them. Predictably, the nature of the particular circumstances surrounding our encounter dictate which answer I give them. So, if either one of our sets of kids has hit the “wall” – usually set off by things like: too much sugar, not enough sugar, exhaustion, boredom, or general respiration – my answer is short. Like, “Oh, thanks for asking, it was a solid Sunday.” If I’m seated on the couch and my kids are outside, not yet having lit something on fire, nor calling for my services as a “tall person” to retrieve a hula hoop inexplicably stuck in a tree branch, I feel the freedom to go into more detail. I’ll talk about the patio. I’ll talk about the new people I met – the ones invited by their friends. I’ll talk about how much I love being a part of our church. I’ll tell them how I’d choose our church, even if I wasn’t the pastor. But, generally, I say, “I was good.”

But, this Sunday is going to be great.

In the strictest sense of the term – GREAT.  It will be great because our church, and those we invite to join us, will take on the heart of Jesus in the most tangible way. After the 11 o’clock service, nearly 1,000 people will gather at Viejo Elementary school without any agenda, except one: to serve. We’ll sweat together. We’ll celebrate together. We’ll put into practice one of our core beliefs: that the beauty of the church is best expressed outside the walls of our worship center. The church will be truly beautiful this Sunday afternoon.

This Sunday is going to be great.

See you then,


NOTE:  JOIN US FOR MV SERVE DAY. The event starts at 1pm. Parking is available in the surrounding neighborhoods (so plan on a bit of a walk, depending on where you park). Feel free to invite anyone who wants to help. RSVP’s are appreciated –  mvserveday@gmail.com.

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