
A Note From Caleb Clements


Step aside Zimmerman, I’ll take this one!

To say that last weekend was unique would be a massive understatement. We got to celebrate as a church in profound ways. First, we experienced a powerful glimpse of what God did at VBS as Jana Alayra and the kids led us in worship. We were reminded of the power of God’s unending love for us, and the joy that comes in serving Him. Next, we celebrated as dozens stood in each service to say “I Believe” for the first time, receiving God’s greatest gift of salvation. I don’t know about you, but that is a sight I will never grow tired of. What a privilege we have to witness these moments together as a church family.

This week, Kenton will kick off our new summer series entitled EPIC where we will journey together through some of the most legendary adventures in the Bible. As we learn about the different heroes and villains in the center of these stories, we will be faced to consider our own journey and how God wants to use each one of us. Don’t miss this great opportunity to invite your family and friends to church.

God is clearly on the move at Mariners, let’s not settle for anything less than all of what God has for us. We look forward to serving you this weekend.

Never settle,

Caleb Clements

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