
A Note From Caleb


I was shocked this week to learn of the passing of Robin Williams. What a likable entertainer who produced such memorable characters and quotable comedy.

As we remember him, let’s pray for his family and others who have been impacted by depression. Also, let’s not forget the thousands who are dying and being displaced, right now, in the Middle East and in places like Ukraine.

…While you’re at it, LAUGH more! And trust that God is good, even when you can’t laugh.

Take a moment… Be still… Know that God is still God.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re moving our 4th service launch from Sept 7 to Sept 14. Hopefully that doesn’t impact you. It really helps us—especially with parking in front of the theater. Again, Sunday night service: Sept 14, 6p.

If you’re not yet serving, we need you this fall with 4 services! Please fill out a card this weekend, or email Ericka now.

This Sunday, I’m talking about a character from the Bible you’ve probably never heard of. It will be a different kind of message…but one I think might hit you between the eyes.


P.S.: Listen to and pass along recent messages here

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here

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