
A Note From Jeff Pries


Even though I am still away studying, please know that I am praying for you all – that God is pouring into you in this season of rest. I miss being with you each week and I hope that you are enjoying our guest speakers. I remember 18 years ago I received my first opportunity to speak in the main service. I was a young youth pastor given a chance to learn what it takes to speak to the whole congregation. That’s I why I love this summer; I am now able to give some great guys the opportunity to gain the experience I received long ago. And not only is Cole getting the opportunity, but in two weeks we are going to let the high school students share about their camp experience, and Rob, our Youth Pastor, will be speaking. I have no doubt that these are services that will speak to you in powerful ways.

As I return, we will be moving into fall and a new weekend series. We will be talking about Life Groups and Rooted and great ways for you to grow in your faith and jump into community. It’s going to be a wonderful time for our church family. As always, be thinking about those in your life who you can invite. We all need to hear the Good News that Jesus brings.

Take care,


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