A Note From Jeff Maguire


When the people saw the thunder and lightning and heard the trumpet and saw the mountain in smoke, they trembled with fear. They stayed at a distance and said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen. But do not have God speak to us or we will die.”  EXODUS 20:18-19

Holy Smokes!

I still use that phrase. Even thirty years ago, it was old. It harkens back to that campy bygone era of a caped crusader and his boy-wonder-sidekick fighting crime with clever and often ironic superhero skills. That show, Batman, was a success because it was so goofy. Long monologues from villains always preceded Batman and Robin’s unlikely escapes. The fight sequences were intentionally bad. Every brawl was highlighted by notoriously goofy punch-impact onomatopoeia: thwack! zok! pow! fa-thud! Each episode had the audience waiting for Robin’s clever variation on “holy smokes!” Check out some of the more priceless selections from actual episodes:

Holy uncanny photographic mental processes!
Holy non sequiturs!
Holy diversionary tactics!
Holy hardest metal in the world!
Holy sudden incapacitation!
Holy knit one, pearl two!

I don’t know, specifically, if the etymology of Robin’s catch-phrase has its roots in the Bible. But, the wording does bring to mind the idea that God’s appearance — holy and frightening — was often as a cloud of smoke. “Holy smoke,” if you will. Smoke has mysterious and shapeless property. And, we’re told that wherever there’s smoke, there’s also fire. Smoke is an apt description for the nebulousness of God — particularly, the part of the trinity with which we tend to have the greatest difficulty getting our heads around, the Holy Spirit.

Tonight, Thursday, September 25th at 7p, there’s an event Mariners is hosting at our Irvine campus that will highlight what is often called “life with” or “participation with” the Holy Spirit. We were given a preview of the event yesterday as a staff. In short, tonight will be a night of worship and teaching centered on encountering God’s inexplicable power and incendiary love through the Holy Spirit. While I’m a person who is easily weirded out, the guest teacher, Mike Pilavachi (a humble Brit of Greek descent), spoke in clear, compelling, and accessible biblical truths. The mysterious nature of God was neither apologized for, nor was it minimized. But, I was able to experience Him (the Holy Spirit) in a fresh way.

Holy Smokes!

See you Sunday,

P.S.: This Sunday, we’ll continue in our series: YOU MAKE THE CALL. This will be a great opportunity to bring friends who are unfamiliar with Bible and wonder (as we all tend to do) about the practical relevance of what it has to say to our daily living. I’ve talked to a number of people at the door every Sunday — people you’ve been inviting — and they’re so grateful you include them. They’ve loved what the Bible has to say to their lives and the friendliness of the community here at Mariners MV.

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  2 Corinthians 3:17

The Holy Spirit. Mysterious and ever-present through our relationship with Jesus, He is our advocate, guide, leader and strengthener. It is with Him that we can receive comfort, freedom, healing, rest and peace. As a staff, we received a glimpse of this yesterday as we gathered with Mike Pilavachi to reflect on God’s Word, worship, and pray together. I can’t wait for our all church worship gathering tonight as Mike teaches and leads us through a journey with the Holy Spirit and His promises. I hope you can be there.

So, how about that parking?! I want to thank you guys for your patience and grace as we continue changing our weekend parking flow. We’re making several significant changes this week, including allowing you to turn either way upon entering and exiting, so it will feel much more free. I love and appreciate your heart for our community, as we continue to create more space and ensure a better experience for everyone, particularly new people who are coming to church and experiencing the Gospel of Jesus and His Church for the first time.

I’m looking forward to this weekend as we gather again to worship and remember who God is and celebrate together in community. We’ll continue in our You Make The Call series with Kenton giving one of his favorite messages on wisdom. We’ll also hear from another high school student who will share a story from the Sri Lanka trip this summer.

I always love meeting and connecting with you and your friends and family on the patio – it’s great to see how God is growing us and building us into the people He created us to be!



A Note From Jeff Pries


Last weekend was another great weekend for multiple reasons, but one being because I love a good barbecue and I love spending time in community with you all. That is one of my favorite parts about our church- the way all of us “hang around” after service talking, catching up, and getting to know one another. Let’s continue to make Sunday morning a place where you want to invite your friends, and also make new ones. There are people in all of our lives that NEED to hear God’s Word and NEED a community that they can do life with, so take that step, out of your comfort zone, and invite them to church.

Rooted is in it’s second week and once again, it is so fun to see community happening within our church. It is exciting to hear the stories about the way people are getting to know each other, and are diving into God’s Word and doing life with each other. Keeping with the theme of community, it is not too late to jump into a Life Group. We will have opportunities this Sunday to plug into a group, or if you desire, start your own group and we will either provide a leader for you, or train you to lead.

As you can see, fall is the season for community. A leading value of our church is finding the right people to go through life with together, so we are committed to helping you do that.

See you Sunday, as we continue in our series, You Make The Call.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.  James 1:5

We ALL need wisdom… For big and small decisions.

Don’t miss another message about the “fundamentals” of walking under the guidance of God. Invite someone who is in a complicated season of life or needs discernment.

I love our church, and I’m very excited about all that God is doing.

See you soon…


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.