Men’s Fall Kick Off Breakfast


What better way to kick-off the fall season of our Monthly Men’s Breakfasts than with a former USC middle linebacker and NFL football player. Thomas R. Williams is a USC graduate, author, motivational speaker and retired NFL player with the New England Patriots, Carolina Panthers, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Jacksonville Jaguars, and Buffalo Bills. Find out more and register for the breakfast here.

Saturday, September 13, 8-10a
Community Center, $12

Prospective/Current Foster & Adoptive Families

For the first time we are offering Rooted for those who are interested in foster care/adoption or currently involved.
WEDNESDAYS @ 6:30p (kicks off Wed, September 17)
For more info and to register, click here.

Tuesdays, starting Sep 16, 6:30-9:30p, Life Dev Bld r208
Orange County Social Services will be offering their 10-week Trauma Informed Parenting (TIP) training here at Mariners. Mandatory orientation: Tue, Sep 9, 6:30-9:30p. Call 888.871.5437 to register.

For more info, contact Erin.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


“Wisdom will save you…”– PROVERBS 2:12 (NIV)

Einstein forgot his own address.
Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant.
W.B. Yeats was denied a post at Trinity College in Dublin for spelling “professor” wrong on the application.
Virginia Woolf accidentally baked her wedding ring into a pudding.
Ben Franklin nearly killed himself giving an electric shock to a turkey.

The world is full of geniuses who fail to make good decisions. The world is rife with scandals that are generally the result of smart people being dumb. This is us. We’re all that way. The only difference between us and Thomas Edison or Virginia Woolf is that they’re they’re smarter than we are. So, everyone is susceptible to any number of actions that fall far beneath what our intelligence would otherwise dictate.

In retrospect, we’re not in need of greater intelligence. We can see the trail of occasional stupidity that has become more clearly defined as we age. In a time where there  is more information available to us, in speedier forms, than ever before, we need more than intelligence. We need wisdom.

We don’t need Yoda-style aphorisms for a galaxy far, far away. Nor, do we need kindly wizard-ishness fit for Middle Earth. We don’t need crotchety old guys spewing complaints about how great it all used to be. We need practically applied wisdom for our real lives, now. We want to know how to live in this world, today. We have big questions with difficult choices. We live where not everything can be forced into conveniently packaged little boxes with neatly defined categories. We need wisdom to know what to do and how to do it.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking at wisdom. This will be a great time to invite people who, like all of us, are looking to apply wisdom to their daily lives in our very real world.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


Well, I can’t believe it, summer is over. I hope you had a great few months. I have been off from speaking the last four weekends and I have used the time to visit other churches, prepare for the fall and give others an opportunity to teach. This last week Rob (our youth pastor) had an opportunity to speak and I heard he did a great job. The youth took over the service with great energy and fun stories from youth camp.

This week, I will be back to kick off our new series You Make the Call, a series through Proverbs. Because it is the fall, you will notice some goal posts and footballs and a kind of high school homecoming theme. If you are worried that you will miss your favorite football games, don’t worry, we will have a satellite dish and big screen. We also will have a few nacho bars and fun games for the kids. It’s going to be a fun weekend!

Part of fall is the kick off to community. We’ll be rolling out Rooted (a ten week group experience) as well as Life Groups. Please be praying about jumping into community life. We believe that life change happens in circles not rows, so as great as a Sunday service may be, it is that smaller community experience that leads to a deeper growth.

I can’t wait to see you this Sunday!

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Fall has arrived! Can you feel the energy as summer is wrapping up? The memories start to fade…kids go back to school…new rhythms are established in our lives. We are so excited as a church to welcome you and your friends and family back into our church community this weekend. I am so excited as I get to launch our new fall series, You Make the Call.

Where are you going to find the wisdom you need to be the kind of husband, wife, parent, co-worker, student and friend that God has called you to be? We’re going to unlock that together starting this weekend. Invite your friends and family to join us as we lean into fall together.


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Pumpkin spice lattes are back at Starbucks. You know what that means… Hilary’s early-morning pilates classes just got an extra jolt of energy!

It also means that it’s September. Beyond school starting and the kick off of football season, I’m pumped about what our church has in store for you this fall.

Join us Sunday as we set the stage for the rest of the month. My message Sunday is foundational to who we are as a church.

Also, join for Beach Day. Unacceptable excuses for not showing up:
– It’s too hot
– I’m too white
– I need a new swim suit
– I’m scared of the ocean
– the Trojans are at Stanford (DVR)

See you soon!

Listen to past messages here.

Give to Mariners HB here.

You Make The Call


Do you ever feel like you’re making bad calls in the game of life?

We’re blowing the whistle on bad decisions. Join us for this empowering series about victory through God’s playbook of life so you can win through wisdom.

A couple good decisions could change everything.

During the weekend services, Irvine Campus
Sat: 5p and Sun: 9 & 11a