
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I can’t…God can…He can through me.

I hope this has been resonating in your soul all week as we face the adversity of this world remembering God has given us the power through His Holy Spirit to persevere and experience His strength in and through our lives.

This weekend, we’ll be concluding our You Make The Call series. Kenton will be inviting people to stand and say, “I Believe,” declaring their faith and trust in Jesus. So please be praying for this weekend. Invite your friends and family to come and experience the truth and power of a relationship with Jesus.

As a church, we are totally committed to being in the world for world, living out the profound calling God gives us to be ministers of reconciliation, bringing and advancing good in the world around us. We have an amazing opportunity next Thursday night to hear from some thought leaders, pastors, businessmen and women on what it looks like to live out our faith in the community. I have heard all of these people and I want to invite you to join me as we are challenged and invited to become the kind of people and church God wants to use to change OC and the world. So, join me next Thursday night at Q COMMONS as we go on this journey together.

Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend and can’t wait to meet your friends and family.



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