
A Note From Jeff Maguire


I have a special concern for you church leaders. I know what it’s like to be a leader, in on Christ’s sufferings as well as the coming glory. Here’s my concern: that you care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd. Not because you have to, but because you want to please God. Not calculating what you can get out of it, but acting spontaneously. Not bossily telling others what to do, but tenderly showing them the way.  1 PETER 5:1-3

Mariners Church, Mission Viejo has GREAT volunteer leaders. Last Sunday night, a few hundred volunteer leaders and life group members gathered for our first Vision Night. We ate together. We celebrated what God has been doing here at Mariners. We took a glimpse at the future of Mariners Mission Viejo — the local expression of God’s church. We prayed for each other. We celebrated together in song.

For me, as the lead pastor, the most compelling picture of God-at-work at Mariners wasn’t the event, per se, it was the unmistakable dedication of volunteers who “care for God’s flock with all the diligence of a shepherd.” The church — this church — is built on the tender-hearted commitment of leaders to Jesus and to the people to whom He calls us. Sunday night was a gathering of ushers, greeters, coffee makers, prayer teams, men’s and women’s ministry leaders, marriage mentors, local outreach volunteers, student ministries and children’s volunteers, weekend tech team members, and so many others. It’s true, I suppose, God doesn’t need people to accomplish his work in the world. But, he does choose to utilize us: broken, worried, scared, fumbling, work-in-progress us. Somehow, when we join him in his work, we get to share in His joy.

For those of you who missed Vision Night but would like to hear the talk, click here to be redirected to the Mariners Church Mission Viejo iTunes podcast page. It will available by the afternoon on Friday, October 17.

This weekend we’ll continue our new series: LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE as we ask the question: “What makes a great party?” Continue to be the great inviters that you are. Remember, people, even when they can’t make it, love to be invited. It’s going to be a great Sunday. Don’t forget to use #LWYL to post pictures of you with your pin. There are tons of great pics of people “loving where they live” across all five Mariners campuses. Search the hashtag and post some pics of your own.

See you Sunday,

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