Two awesome things that have happened since last week:
1. Trunk or Treat was a wild success. THANK YOU to those of you who dressed up, decorated cars, served, or brought your friends. It was so much fun, and our turn-out doubled from last year.
2. This morning a small team of our staff and volunteers served breakfast to all of HB’s city employees! We partnered with our friends at the HB Police Dept and we fed about 300 city employees. People dressed up, there was a live band, and our city was GRATEFUL. It was a privilege. Plus, the city employees donated a bunch of goods to our Mariners Outreach Ministries going on in the city. A great relationship is developing.
And here’s one NEW thing that’s coming…
NEW HOME NOVEMBER: I asked you this past Sunday to be praying with us about a new door that God seems to be opening for us. This would be a space we could occupy 24/7 in the center of HB that would allow us to do more ministry and serve more people in our community.
So, over the course of November, I’m going to update you each week about the process and give you more information as it becomes available. Please continue to pray with us, because as Moses said to the Lord, “If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.” (Ex 33:15) This must be a God-thing or it’s nothing.
Lastly, regarding this Sunday… If you have ever asked yourself, “Is this a good week to bring my friend or family member to church?” The answer is YES!
In fact, 95% of our Sundays are great times to bring people to our church—because we’re intentional about welcoming and being accessible to them. But this Sunday is special.
This Sunday is “Outreach Sunday,” where we put on display some of the many things we do as a church in our community. We ARE the kind of church that your friends and neighbors think “the church” should be. So invite them to come and see!
Enjoy the rest of the week. Use Halloween as an excuse to meet new neighbors and LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE.
P.S.: Listen to past messages here.
P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.