
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Where has Jesus been leading you this week? Have you been allowing Him to take you through your “Samaria,” reaching those who are the most difficult for you to love, to engage with the heart of Jesus? I love this series, Love Where You Live. I love the passion it’s igniting in us as a church for our friends and neighbors. I love seeing the expressions of joy and relationship through freshly-baked cookies, helping kids with homework, taking walks together, throwing parties in our streets. I love that we’re going get to express our love and care for our neighborhoods and communities in a profound way together tomorrow night as everyone emerges from their homes and pours out onto our streets. Let’s be people who are known for our smiles, our generosity and for our love.

This weekend is going to be a spectacular conclusion to our series and you are definitely going to want to invite someone. We will put the church and gospel on display in the most profound, yet simple way. We’re going to look at the truth and what the church should represent in the world. I can’t wait to live this out with you guys. Looking forward to seeing you, your friends and family this weekend.


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