
A Note From Caleb Anderson


We have such a generous church! Thank you to all of you who are Celebrating Differently by buying gifts, filling food bags, and serving our community in a variety of ways. You are making a difference in people’s lives. And you’re part of a bigger movement that is changing our city. Let’s keep going!

As we prepare for another great Sunday, pause…take a breath… and consider these three questions for a moment…

– If you were going to write a thank you note to one person for giving you the gift of TIME, who would that be?

– As you look back on your most enjoyable memories as a young person, what/who did they involve?

– What PLACE, or whose home, has the best memories for you?

Maybe you should write that thank you note.

And you should DEFINITELY join us on Sunday for the next installment of the Love Where You Live series. I believe God will speak to you. And I believe that He has MORE for you than you yet realize.



P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

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