
A Note From Jeff Pries


Once again, thank you for your incredible generosity towards the poor and needy. To think we gave out 162 Christmas tags; enabling kids who may not get Christmas presents to get a gift. And we also gave out 145 food bags, helping to replenish the local food banks during the holidays. And on top of that you gave over $5,000 above and beyond our normal offering to be used to help the people in need in our community and around the world. You are amazing, and incredibly generous. Also this past weekend you filled “You Matter” bags. These are filled with items we, at times, take for granted that would mean the world to a homeless person. It’s a way for us to tell those struggling that we care about them and that “they matter,” both to us and to God. I hope that you are having great experiences as you give your bags away, and we can’t wait to hear your stories.

This weekend we will be in our second week of our series Obsessed. Do you feel overwhelmed, trying to do too much in your life (which is pretty much all of us)?  If you feel like there are not enough hours in the day and you don’t like how it affects you or the people around you, then this weekend is for you.  Join us this week as we learn from one of the central figures of the Old Testament and see how he handles what we deal with; that desire to try and do too much.

Our High School Ministry is heading to Big Bear for the weekend. Please be praying for their safety and that they have a great time with each other and with God. I love the way our youth ministries have been growing.  It is so fun to see the students step up into leadership and also to see volunteers giving of their time to make a difference in the lives of the youth.

Blessings to you this week. We hope to see you Sunday,

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