
A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope this note finds you ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family. Caleb’s message last Sunday was an amazing reminder of how thankfulness is key to much of our journey with God. I am praying that you guys keep this close to your heart as the week goes by. Share with us what you are up to on Facebook or Instagram.

As this new season of Christmas and Advent approaches, I want to share two words to keep in mind. BE EXPECTANT. In worship on Sundays, I’m always praying that you come with expectant hearts – ready to worship – excited for what God may do or say to us that day. What would Christmas look like this year if we applied the same principle? Christmas can sometimes be a difficult season to see past with all the commercialism, money, gifts and other distractions that can cloud our view. What if this year, we showed up expecting God to do and say something different? What if we looked for it around every corner? Remember what it was like to look at things like a child? What if we were excited? What if we expected new and great gifts from a good and loving King? I believe we might find EXACTLY what we were looking for. Lets be expectant this holiday season. Let be expectant in worship on Sundays. We will be doing a LOT of interesting, fresh things in worship this holiday season starting this week. Let’s show up early expecting something new from God. He won’t let us down!

We start our new series, Christmas Is, this week. It is going to be amazing. We also have many wonderful events for you throughout the holidays, starting with the Women’s Christmas Brunch. You can find out more and sign up here.

This is an ideal time for you to invite your friends and family to church – you never know who may need it the most during the holidays.

See you Sunday!


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

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