
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”  John 16:33

Have you been walking in the peace that Jesus gives? Have you been the peacemaker that He calls you to be? I love the journey we’re on as we move toward Christmas together, remembering the gift of Jesus. Let’s embrace the wonder…the hope…the power…and the joy that a relationship with Christ brings, not only to our lives, but also through us to the world. Join us this weekend as we focus on hope – a hope that can transcend anything the world can throw our way.

Tomorrow night…don’t miss one of the most amazing opportunities for you, your friends and neighbors to enjoy. It’s the gift of community and relationship with our church at our annual Tree Lighting. This is the beauty of the gospel on display through laughter, joy, and relationship. It’s one of my favorite events that we do every year. I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow night as we ring in this Christmas season together.


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