
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman



I love how we’re discovering what Christmas Is as we walk through this season together. I pray that you have been able to rest in the joy that a relationship with Jesus brings and experience His presence in this season of waiting.

I’m so excited as we continue with Kenton this weekend as he talks about the gift of love through Jesus at Christmastime. Enjoy this last week before Christmas. Don’t allow the world and consumerism – shopping, the rush to buy presents and attend parties – to overwhelm and consume you. Take time to rest in the Advent prayers we’re sending out each day. Invite your friends and neighbors to come with you and discover what Christmas is this weekend, and next week at one of our Christmas Eve services. This is the best time for us to remember and celebrate the gift of Jesus and Christmas and to put His Church on display through relationship. I love what God is doing here in and through you.

Looking forward to this weekend together…


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