A Note From Kyle Zimmerman



I love how we’re discovering what Christmas Is as we walk through this season together. I pray that you have been able to rest in the joy that a relationship with Jesus brings and experience His presence in this season of waiting.

I’m so excited as we continue with Kenton this weekend as he talks about the gift of love through Jesus at Christmastime. Enjoy this last week before Christmas. Don’t allow the world and consumerism – shopping, the rush to buy presents and attend parties – to overwhelm and consume you. Take time to rest in the Advent prayers we’re sending out each day. Invite your friends and neighbors to come with you and discover what Christmas is this weekend, and next week at one of our Christmas Eve services. This is the best time for us to remember and celebrate the gift of Jesus and Christmas and to put His Church on display through relationship. I love what God is doing here in and through you.

Looking forward to this weekend together…


A Note From Jeff Pries


You don’t have to look far to see that we are right in the middle of the Christmas season. Around our house, Christmas is obvious, with the kids off from school and wrapping paper lying around the living room. Accompany that with lights up on the house (sounds impressive, but I only did one strand in front of the garage), and the Christmas tree lit and decorated – we are in full swing with the holiday.

This weekend Crystal Lewis will be leading worship and I made her promise that she would sing Oh Holy Night, so needless to say, it will be a fun Sunday to experience and a great opportunity to invite someone. My message will be focused around the idea that Christmas is Love and God’s great way of showing us how much He loves us came in the form of a baby. Amazing.

You won’t want to miss our Christmas Eve services at 3:30 and 5:30p. It will be a great way to continue pointing your heart toward what Christmas is all about. I love the Christmas Eve service – there is nothing better than closing with a candlelight moment and singing silent night together. It will be a wonderful celebration. Please remember if you can, we need volunteers, especially for the 5:30p service.

What an amazing season we are in at Mariners Ocean Hills! We encouraged you to Celebrate Differently this holiday season and you did by providing over 200 Christmas gifts for children who might not get one. Also, you gave just over 6 tons of food to stock the cupboards of families in need. This is who we are – a church that celebrates joyfully and gives generously. God is at work. When we reflect on the past year it is powerful to see how His gracious love worked through all of you.

As always I remind you that this is an important month for the life of our church financially. As you consider giving and receiving this month, we encourage you to ask God to reveal places where you can join Him in His work. We give back to His Kingdom in response to the greatest gift: Jesus Christ. There are great things ahead and we hope you will join us as we share God’s hope with the world this season.

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'” Acts 20:35

Thank you for all you have done and will continue to do at Mariners Ocean Hills.  You are fun and you are incredibly generous, I love doing life and ministry with you.



A Note From Caleb Anderson



  1. Sweaters can be itchy, but when else will you wear them? You’re living in SoCal after all. There’s something about sweaters in December. Think of an excuse to go outside. Now put on a sweater.
  2. Three out of five chocolate candies are disappointing, so skip them and pour a glass of chocolate milk. I know, you think it’s a kid’s drink. But you get your chocolate fix, plus natural protein! It’s a justifiable indulgence.
  3. The easiest way to keep yourself and your loved ones in tune with the real melody of Christmas is to bring people with you to a Christmas Eve service (or two). Here’s why:
    • There’s something about being together, remembering together, celebrating together…
    • Inviting someone else opens up your heart and fills up someone else’s…
    • Mariners HB does Christmas Eve right

So join us! You ARE us, after all…

Tuesday (23rd) at 4 and 6p
Wednesday (24th) at 2, 4, and 6p (all services at our usual spot – HB Central Library Theater)

There’s a 75% chance that whomever you invite and offer to sit with will actually come. So flex your ’tis-the-season muscles and let’s do this!

Note: We also have our normal services on Dec 21st and Dec 28th. And by normal I mean awesome. I’ll see you Sunday… and then Tuesday… and why not Wednesday, too?!

Merry Christmas,


P.S.: Listen to past messages here.

P.S.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Maguire


Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations.  ISAIAH 42:1-2

“Dad, she hit me.”
“Well, he said I was stupid.”
“You are!”
“Hold it! Both of you. That’s enough!”

I’m not sure when I entered into that particular conversation. I’m not sure which brother-sister or brother-brother combination it involved, specifically (I have two sons and a daughter). I’m not sure who started it. I’m not sure how it got resolved. I’m not sure what any of the innumerable times I’ve had this exact conversation really involved: broken toys, obscured television viewing angles, disrespect. Who knows?

People, it turns out, are magnetically attracted to conflict. A lot of it is superfluous. Usually, it’s born out of moodiness or hunger. Or, moodiness born out of hunger. Some of the time it’s merely one person’s attempt to gain attention. Other times, it involves a mildly insidious and intentional undervaluing of other people. But, there’s always conflict. Always.

When my kids are in conflict, they ask me to step in and help them find a resolution they can’t bring about by their own effort. Though, this is sometimes not the best choice for helping to resolve anything ( I’m also a magnet for conflict. It’s not uncommon for me to exacerbate squabbles between any of my kids by an overreaction that later necessitates my own apology.) The world is a place where grown adults have a hard time acting like responsibly trained kindergarten graduates: calmly displaying understanding, sharing feelings, and seeking resolution. No, the world is crying out too: “Dad!? Help!”

Four times in the writings of Isaiah, someone named “the servant” is featured in extended passages. Some theorize that this servant is a collection of righteous people — faithful Israelites in the midst of exile. Others say that the servant is a reference to a Hebrew prophet like Jeremiah or Isaiah, for example. But, Christians see those servant passages as pointing to one person, Jesus. The way God has chosen to deal with His creation-in-conflict is in a person who comes, not armed with divine weapons wielded in displays of intimidation, but as a “servant.”

That servant came into the world as a baby. In short, the arrival of this long awaited servant in a tiny package is Christmas. Christmas (Jesus) is God’s plan to restore our world. Jesus the one thing we need but can’t give to ourselves. So, this coming week we’ll acknowledge that Christmas isn’t only a time to give gifts, get dressed up, sit with our family, and eat too much (virtually repeating the Thanksgiving table of one month prior). No, we’ll acknowledge (hopefully) that we need Jesus and that He’s the most scandalous and surprising of all things: a servant-savior called “Lord.”

This Sunday, in final preparation for Christmas, Doug Fields will talk about Joy. It will be a great time to rightly orient our own hearts at Jesus this Christmas. Mark your calendars for Christmas eve services: one service where you can lend a hand (there are limited opportunities on the 23rd and more on the 24th) and another that you can plan on attending with invited friends. Merry Christmas.

See you Sunday,

Date Night


We know that you need a night out to do your Christmas shopping…or maybe you just need a night out! We want to help! Come, bring our child in their jammies for a fun PJ party, movies, crafts and food. We will provide the fun while you play Santa. For more info, click here.

Fri, Dec 19, 6-9p, $5/child, food included
HB Offices, 2124 Main Street, Suite 260