
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Happy New Year! I hope and pray you were able to experience the beauty of Christmas and the New Year, spending time with family and friends, having fun, laughing and enjoying one another. I love that you all made this Christmas one of the most amazing ever at Mariners Church, as almost 2,000 more people joined us for Christmas services this year than last year! You guys are loving your family, friends and neighbors well, inviting them to join the story that God is writing in your life and here at Mariners Church.

Last week, we launched into the new year together with our Pursuit of Happiness series, remembering that the pursuit of happiness begins with the pursuit of God. My prayer is that you have been looking, listening and experiencing God in new and profound ways this week. The series continues this weekend. Kenton will be back with another chapter of Jesus’ message to us out of Matthew 5, so invite your family and friends to join us.

One of the things we don’t want you miss out on is doing life together through Life Groups, where we learn to more clearly discern God’s voice and live our lives with purpose and meaning. Whether you are new to our church or have been coming to Mariners for a while – I want to invite you to join a Life Group. The starting point for all of our Life Groups begins in a couple of weeks with Rooted. If you haven’t gone on the Rooted journey with us, now’s the time. Rooted is the place to dive in and learn what God’s voice sounds like and start developing healthy spiritual rhythms in your life where you can become all God has designed you to be. And, the best part is you get to do it with others, pursuing life right where you are. Jump in!

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend as we continue to discover all God has for us in 2015!



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