
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


I love the way we are walking into 2015 together, pursuing happiness by pursuing God…following Jesus, being salt and light in this world. I love our weekend experiences and the practical wisdom we’re gaining from Jesus and His Sermon on the Mount. It’s been so fun reconnecting with you and one another, meeting the friends and family you’re bringing to go on this journey with us. Join us again this weekend as we continue in our Pursuit of Happiness series.

Also, as a valued part of our church family, I want to invite you to help us learn and improve the way we communicate the heart and mission of our church to the world around us. This is an important endeavor for us over the next year and it all begins with feedback from you. Would you help us by clicking this link and filling out a brief questionnaire about who we are as a church? I would really appreciate your input as we continue to become who God has called us to be together. (The deadline for the questionnaire is Friday, January 30.)

Hope you’re having an amazing week. I’m praying for you and our community…


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