
A Note From Caleb Anderson


The next three weeks we’re talking about RELATIONSHIPS, and how they are central to our happiness–and the abundant life God talks about.

anger | sex | porn | marriage | divorce

Don’t miss this… And don’t let your friends miss this.

PANCAKES! Following all services this Sunday. (Nothing wrong with breakfast for dinner 6p!) If you want to help serve pancakes, email Neil. Otherwise, come hungry.

SUPER BOWL! Everyone watches the Super Bowl (almost everyone). But no one should watch it alone. Invite your small group, neighbors, co-workers… Remember, you’re blessed as you bless others. Don’t insulate and isolate. Invite and include!

If you can’t host a party we have numerous awesome families who are opening their homes to anyone in our church. People will be on the patio this weekend with invites. Grab one and show up. Our church is full of fun, friendly people. You can be connected if you want to be–but it’s up to you. (6p service is canceled for our in-home-parties, 2/1 only.)

See you Sunday,

Catch up on our series The Pursuit of Happiness here.

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