
A Note From Jeff Pries


Last weekend was amazing seeing God move in powerful ways and how He uses us to care for people around us. Ali’s story is one of heartbreak and redemption and through her vulnerability, she is a light in this world. My hope is that this week has sparked something within you, knowing that God has specifically placed you where you are to be a light to those around you. We are continuing to keep the families affected by the fire in prayer and have been meeting with some of them this week. We are committed to supporting them as they work to start over with their homes, but in this time of “unknown,” would you continue to pray for them… pray for healing… pray for peace… and pray for hope as they step forward toward a new beginning.

We are in a series The Pursuit of Happiness where we are continuing to re-calibrate the ways in which we search for happiness and what we really are looking for. The next few weeks we’ll be talking about relationships, and how they are central to our happiness–and the abundant life God talks about. You won’t want to miss it! This is also a great time to invite friends, family and neighbors to come to church with you. Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!


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