
A Note from Kyle Zimmerman


john  Meet John. John has served our community through Mariners Irvine for the past five years. He tutors people in English and other subjects through our Learning Centers in Santa Ana, and volunteers in our Irvine Resource Center every week. As I listened to John share his story with me today, he was overwhelmed talking about the relationships that have been built and how he’s seen God move. While I was talking with him in the Resource Center, a lady came over with tears in her eyes and said, “John is my hero.” She went on to describe how John had served her through the Resource Center when she was pregnant, getting her everything she needed for her and her family. She finished by saying, “I am so grateful for this church, this Community Center and for John.” I love the story God is writing in our church. I love that we are writing a beautiful story in Orange County – one of love…redemption…kindness…and compassion – showing what the Gospel looks like lived out as followers of Jesus. I’m so grateful to be on this journey with you and I can’t wait as this year unfolds to see what God will do through each and every one of us.

This weekend, we’re continuing in Pursuit of Happiness. As Kenton mentioned last week, a good friend of ours from our own community, will be here sharing about the joy of generosity and how it has changed his life and how it can change yours. I love his heart and I believe his infectious joy and creativity for giving will continue taking us down the path of being a relentlessly generous community.

Lastly, I want to remind and invite you guys to join me and others from our church family at the Saturday night service instead of the 11a Sunday service. Our parking lots are full and the service is well over 80% full which sends a message to people that there is no room for them. Would you please join me by serving and loving our community and come to our Saturday night service? It’s one tangible way we can love people by making space for them when they are looking to come and experience all we share together here at Mariners.

Love being on this journey with you all and looking forward to all that God is doing.



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