
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:18

Be Fearless! It’s been overwhelming to experience the response and hear the stories of how you (our church) are leaning into unleashing generosity in amazing ways as we do good and be generous in our community!

This week, staff and volunteers are already distributing checks to many of the organizations we are partnering with here in OC. In addition, we’re preparing to unleash hundreds of volunteers on the Boys & Girls Clubs and food packing project with Kids Around the World this Saturday! I can’t wait to show to you some pictures this weekend and share a few of the stories of how God is using every one of us to write a beautiful story. And don’t worry…I know that many of you were out of town and missed the opportunity to participate. This weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to jump in because our desire is that every person would be able to give and serve as part of the story that God wants to write in our community and around the world.

Also, this weekend, I’m so excited for us to get to hear from our friend, John Ortberg. John is an amazing communicator…author…pastor…teacher, and he has an encouraging and challenging message I believe God wants us to hear. It’s a great weekend to invite your family and friends to come and hear, and more importantly, to see the gospel on display through our church. Looking forward to being with you this weekend!


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