
A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners Church –
This is a great week and we need to celebrate because….Caleb and Hilary have a new addition to their family! Henry James Anderson was born on St Patrick’s Day and weighed 8.6 pounds. That’s a big boy! We share in their excitement and celebration and I am sure they can’t wait to introduce him to everyone. They are already in love with this little guy.

Henry was a few days late past his due date and it taught me something that I believe we in the church can learn as well. I loved seeing the anticipation for Henry to come by, not only Caleb, Hilary and Jack, but by our staff, friends and people in the church! Everyone was excited for Henry’s arrival and asking, “Is he here yet?” As we approach Easter, we should have high anticipation for what God is going to do that day. We should be excited – so much so that we invite others. We plan what we are going to wear, where we’ll sit, what songs we want to sing – this is a day that we get to celebrate the most life changing event in history!

Obviously, I am already excited but I believe our church is excited too. I see it every week with how you come in ready to worship and connect. So start preparing your hearts and your friends for the many things that are on the horizon. We have reason to share and celebrate. See our EASTER times here.

Jairus Williams
Worship Pastor

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