
A Note From Jeff Maguire


So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God
 has joined together, let no one separate.” – Matthew 19:6

Last weekend, I learned the value of getting one night away with Amanda. We went to the widely traveled tourist hotspot of West Covina along with the rest of the Mariners MV staff. We went to a marriage conference. We got a hotel room which included a complimentary breakfast buffet. Incidentally, we ate our money’s worth of that buffet. I found out just how many pieces of breakfast meat is one too many. There were no kids. No whining. No spilled chocolate milk. No “he pulled my hair.” It was quiet. It was beautiful.

I’d never been to something like it before. Sure, I’d been to a number of conferences. But, I’d never been to one dedicated to my own marriage. What I learned, beyond all the helpful and insightful tips about communication and mutual support from Doug Fields and Jim Burns, was that we needed the time together. It wasn’t Hawaii. It wasn’t Paris. It wasn’t a trip to Napa. Though all those things are awesome places to visit, we didn’t need those things. We needed us.

I’m looking forward to next year’s conference. But, even more specifically, I’m looking forward to our next time away to be together.

This week we’ll continue our series: PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. I’m excited about what God is doing in our midst.

See you Sunday,

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