
A Note from Jeff Pries

What a weekend we had. Thank you so much for jumping in and serving in such a powerful way. To think that we will be sending tens of thousands of meals to Liberia is overwhelming. People are going to be eating because of your generosity; you make a difference. What an amazing scene to see a sea of people working together to be the hands and feet of Christ. It was a great picture of the Church at work, and it is exactly what we are called to do. We are a church that serves, and we are a church that invites. Please be praying for friends and neighbors and co-workers that you can invite to Easter. Remember, there are people in your life who only need an invitation and they will come to church. Easter is the perfect service because they will hear what the hope of Jesus is all about. So remember, don’t come alone, invite someone to hear the gospel and celebrate with us.



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