A Note From Jeff Maguire


So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God
 has joined together, let no one separate.” – Matthew 19:6

Last weekend, I learned the value of getting one night away with Amanda. We went to the widely traveled tourist hotspot of West Covina along with the rest of the Mariners MV staff. We went to a marriage conference. We got a hotel room which included a complimentary breakfast buffet. Incidentally, we ate our money’s worth of that buffet. I found out just how many pieces of breakfast meat is one too many. There were no kids. No whining. No spilled chocolate milk. No “he pulled my hair.” It was quiet. It was beautiful.

I’d never been to something like it before. Sure, I’d been to a number of conferences. But, I’d never been to one dedicated to my own marriage. What I learned, beyond all the helpful and insightful tips about communication and mutual support from Doug Fields and Jim Burns, was that we needed the time together. It wasn’t Hawaii. It wasn’t Paris. It wasn’t a trip to Napa. Though all those things are awesome places to visit, we didn’t need those things. We needed us.

I’m looking forward to next year’s conference. But, even more specifically, I’m looking forward to our next time away to be together.

This week we’ll continue our series: PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. I’m excited about what God is doing in our midst.

See you Sunday,

A Note From Jeff Pries


What an amazing weekend we had this past Sunday. I am always so encouraged by your generosity and willingness to serve. More than half of our church signed up to serve as a part of Be Fearless, which is an incredible number. Please remember, this Sunday we are going to fill 40,000 bags to send to Liberia. Liberia has been hit by the Ebola virus and they are currently in a famine. Now, you may be thinking…How are we going to fill 40,000 bags? If you filled out the card this past Sunday, we need you. And also, if you missed, or didn’t sign up, we need you too. I am going to end my message a tad early, and, together, we are going to walk out and fill some bags. So whether you can fill five or 50, we need you. It’s going to be a kick doing this together. What a great picture of what Church is, not just sitting and listening and singing, but also “doing.” If you have a friend that you have wanted to invite to church, this is the perfect weekend, because you can say “we need your help.”

For all you men, this Saturday is the Men’s Breakfast. We’ll hear from Gary Daichendt, who was Executive Vice President of Worldwide operations at Cisco during the height of their success. Gary is a great business man, a great family man, and has a huge heart for Jesus. Breakfast will begin at 8a. It will be a fun time together.

Finally, we still need Easter volunteers, so jump in if you can. It’s a time to bless people who may be coming to church for the first time. I love doing life and ministry with you. God is working at Mariners Ocean Hills, and He is using you in a powerful way.



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


You can’t be reconciled with someone you don’t know. -Dr. John Perkins

This past week at our church was spectacular. We had the opportunity to hear from Dr. John Perkins and talk about reconciliation. His invitation into the full gospel was powerful as we considered what it means to have reconciliation on display the way God calls us to – as His ambassadors.

I love the message series we’re in – The Pursuit of Happiness – and how God is continuing to help us find lives full of love and joy as we follow Jesus. This weekend, I’m so excited about what God is going to do. We get to hear from Pastor Oscar Muriu, from Nairobi Chapel in Kenya. Oscar’s contagious enthusiasm for the gospel and his challenging and inspiring message is something you’re not going to want to miss. Bring your friends and family.

We’ll also be celebrating this season we have been living in of Being Fearless and all that God has done as thousands of us have served and participated, unleashing a wave of generosity throughout Orange County and the world. Come and experience the beauty of the gospel on display with us this weekend.

Looking forward to being with you.


A Note From Jairus Williams


Hey Mariners Church –
This is a great week and we need to celebrate because….Caleb and Hilary have a new addition to their family! Henry James Anderson was born on St Patrick’s Day and weighed 8.6 pounds. That’s a big boy! We share in their excitement and celebration and I am sure they can’t wait to introduce him to everyone. They are already in love with this little guy.

Henry was a few days late past his due date and it taught me something that I believe we in the church can learn as well. I loved seeing the anticipation for Henry to come by, not only Caleb, Hilary and Jack, but by our staff, friends and people in the church! Everyone was excited for Henry’s arrival and asking, “Is he here yet?” As we approach Easter, we should have high anticipation for what God is going to do that day. We should be excited – so much so that we invite others. We plan what we are going to wear, where we’ll sit, what songs we want to sing – this is a day that we get to celebrate the most life changing event in history!

Obviously, I am already excited but I believe our church is excited too. I see it every week with how you come in ready to worship and connect. So start preparing your hearts and your friends for the many things that are on the horizon. We have reason to share and celebrate. See our EASTER times here.

Jairus Williams
Worship Pastor