Marriage Ministry: The Well

Mariners Church Marriage Link presents The Well Spring 2015: Leave and Cleave…Thousands of Years Worth of Wisdom on Marriage. Learn practical ways to enhance your marriage no matter what stage you are in! For more info and to register, click here.

Saturdays, April 11-May 9
5-6:30p, Mariners Church Irvine, Life Development Bldg. room 208
$25pp, free childcare provided in Port Mariners

A Note From Caleb Anderson


We’re having a baby! Any…time…now…

Hilary isn’t quite there yet, but today is the due date. If not today, soon. We’ll see! And we’ll have updates for you on social media–without being totally obnoxious.

Pay attention to the events happening in our church below…


P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.

A Note From Jeff Pries


Throughout the course of the year there are certain Sundays that impact our church in a significant way. This Sunday is one of those days. We’ll have the opportunity to see how our amazing God is using our church to make a difference in the lives of people, both locally and globally. We’ll share stories and hear how to get involved.  If you are looking to make a difference in the world (which we all are) this weekend is for you! God is up to something and we want to be a part of it. This is a great opportunity to jump in.

Easter is fast approaching. Don’t forget to Egg Your Neighbor. It’s just a simple way to invite someone to church. And regardless if you jump in to the Egg Your Neighbor idea or not, we are a church of inviters. There are people in your life who just need the invitation, one that gives them the opportunity to hear the powerful story of an empty tomb, something only God can do.



A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


What an amazing season we’re experiencing together as a church – Being Fearless, unleashing generosity and doing good in the community! It was incredible last weekend to hear the stories and see how God is using your generosity and presence to bless those around us. I love the challenge and encouragement John Ortberg gave us to walk through the doors that God gives us – both big and small – to become the people He wants us to be. I’m praying that you are taking advantage of every opportunity this week to hear Him and follow His leading, boldly and courageously.

There are still so many opportunities for us to Be Fearless! The desire is that every single one of us would be able to engage with God’s heart for who He wants us to be individually and collectively as His Church. Join us this weekend or go online at to see how you can participate and experience all that God is doing.

Kenton is back this weekend. It’s a great time to invite friends and family as he will be sharing one of the best messages and invitations from Jesus on what love truly looks like. It’s challenging, but also an incredible door for us to walk through as we follow Jesus together. Looking forward to being with you all.



A Note From Jeff Maguire


But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved. – Hebrews 10:38


Often our feelings and emotions are mistakenly substituted for faith. Pleasurable emotions and deep, satisfying experiences are part of the Christian life, but they are not the essence of it. –
Streams in the Desert

“I’m not feelin’ it.” I’ve used that expression to describe everything from carne asada to music. It is to say, there is something about [whatever it is] that I can’t connect with emotionally (Yes, there have been burritos that have had an emotional impact on my life. They are few and far between. But, I’m certain, I’m different because of them.). It’s as if, with everything — even the most mundane — that inherent worth is directly proportional to emotional outcomes. The way we talk about anything: Coldplay’s last live show, Apple smart-watches, sedans, or Nikes  — all of it evokes an emotional response. When something lacks that emotional connection, we’re quick to disregard it.

What happens, then, when God doesn’t feel the need to make us “feel?” We tend to have an expectation that God can sustain us so long as following Him can be connected to a powerful emotional experience. Sometimes we wonder, in those instances where we don’t have such an encounter with God, if He’s really there. In that moment, God’s very existence seems to hinge our ability to employ our psycho-experiential radar effectively.

And yet, what if, in those moments God intends to grow us in a decidedly uncomfortable, yet necessary way? He’ll take us on a journey that is absent of emotional euphoria. In so doing, God begins to separate Himself from all other consumable things to which we attach emotional value. He’s more interested in growing us than coddling us. He seems to be far more concerned with who we are becoming rather than what merely pacifies our need for attention. It’s in this portion of the faith-journey — a time the early church fathers called “The Dark Night of the Soul” — that 
many people decide that faith is no longer for them. It lacks the ever-present jubilance of other seasons. But, the long-term journey of faith is just that: long. The long view of faith is far more than a few brief moments of ebullient sentimentality. It is to be transformed by God into something we could not become without Him.

This Sunday, Doug Fields will pick up where we left off this past weekend, continuing in our series: THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. It will be a great opportunity to bring your friends and neighbors as Doug always delivers powerful truths in a compelling and humorous way. It’s going to be great!

See you Sunday,
