A Father’s Prized Possession

With 55 years of work with adolescents between them, Alan Smyth & Kristy Fox bring a two hour, interactive seminar for dads who have daughters. They will explore the unique role a dad has in the life and healthy upbringing of his daughter, the harsh realities of our culture and provide a wealth of practical tools to go home with. For more info and resources, click here.

Saturday, March 14, 8:30-11a, Grace Lutheran Church, $10
Breakfast served by Men’s Ministry.

Men’s Bible Studies


Join us as we study God’s Word and talk about what it means for us to be brothers, husbands and dads as we follow Jesus. For more info, contact Cole.

Tuesdays, 7-8p, in the cafe
Our next nine part series, entitled, “Lion Chasers,” is based on the epic life of Benaiah, a little known super stud of Scripture and one of David’s mighty men.

Thursdays, 6:45-7:45a, in the cafe
We will be studying through the Book of Proverbs as it applies to men.

A Note From Jeff Pries


I had the opportunity to have a dinner with the Rooted leaders this week. It was so encouraging to hear stories about the transformation happening in people’s lives through this experience. As a church we stand up and encourage (ok, strongly encourage) everyone to attend Rooted. And when we hear how God delivers in the lives of people, we understand the impact. God is doing amazing things in our church through Rooted, Student Ministries and Children’s, Men’s and Women’s Ministries. I continue to thank God as He blesses us as a church, both collectively and individually. And as always, there is probably someone in your life who is looking for one of the things that is happening at Mariners Ocean Hills. I know it’s not always easy, but all they are looking for is an invitation.

This weekend we’ll be looking at a defining area in our life. As we talked about worry last week, it was a wrestling match because we all worry. If you thought worry was an issue, you may find this week’s topic to be just as big of a struggle. And don’t forget, you are going to have to “fire up” this Sunday (especially 9a service) because we move to Daylight Savings Time and lose an hour. Don’t worry, the coffee cart is waiting for you. I love doing life and ministry with you, experiencing God’s blessing and fighting the good fight together.

Take care,

A Note From Jeff Maguire


I’ve asked Hilary McCullough, our Junior High Ministry Director, to share some thoughts on what our community has been experiencing through our parenting series with Dr. Jim Burns.

– Jeff Maguire


We have GREAT parents in our community! This parenting series, The Field Guide to Modern Parenting has shown it. You’ve been there to learn about the tough stuff. You’re trudging through figuring out how to continually have “the talk” at different ages in your kids’ lives. (Did your thought bubble just say, “Continually?” Yep. Continually.) You’re learning how to safeguard them against a world that is bombarding them with messages about what they should be, act and look like. All while simultaneously doing the same thing for yourselves. You’re asking the questions during Q&A that all the other parents wanted to ask. It’s easy to see from the emphatic head nods. “When is a good time to give my son a phone? He says he’s the only 4th grader who doesn’t have one.” “How do I see what they’ve been viewing on their phones?” “What if my child likes looking at anatomy books? A lot.” “How do I talk to my child about pornography?” You are great parents, and I LOVE being able to walk this with you as you ask the tough questions. Our conversations following the sessions are so encouraging.

I didn’t start my career in ministry. I’ve had the privilege of working in prevention education for years, arming young kids, parents, adolescents, and college students with information about sexual assault and abuse. I’ve educated and counseled hundreds of college students to reveal what alcohol abuse really looks like and how to avoid high-risk behavior with high-risk consequences. I’ve seen what it looks like when parents take the bold steps you’re taking, and when they don’t. You’re figuring out how to have the tough conversations about that stuff and actually hear back from your kids (and sometimes hold back the laughter – or the shock). Be encouraged!

It’s not over. We have one more session this Tuesday, 6:30–8p. Hear from Jim about healthy parenting strategies. Ask your questions. You ARE your child’s greatest influence. It’s not scary – it’s an opportunity. We’re with you.

Hilary McCullough
JHM Director

A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 1 Timothy 6:18

Be Fearless! It’s been overwhelming to experience the response and hear the stories of how you (our church) are leaning into unleashing generosity in amazing ways as we do good and be generous in our community!

This week, staff and volunteers are already distributing checks to many of the organizations we are partnering with here in OC. In addition, we’re preparing to unleash hundreds of volunteers on the Boys & Girls Clubs and food packing project with Kids Around the World this Saturday! I can’t wait to show to you some pictures this weekend and share a few of the stories of how God is using every one of us to write a beautiful story. And don’t worry…I know that many of you were out of town and missed the opportunity to participate. This weekend, you’ll have the opportunity to jump in because our desire is that every person would be able to give and serve as part of the story that God wants to write in our community and around the world.

Also, this weekend, I’m so excited for us to get to hear from our friend, John Ortberg. John is an amazing communicator…author…pastor…teacher, and he has an encouraging and challenging message I believe God wants us to hear. It’s a great weekend to invite your family and friends to come and hear, and more importantly, to see the gospel on display through our church. Looking forward to being with you this weekend!


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Saturday night starts DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!

Don’t forget to set your clocks FORWARD (spring forward). Yes, we will judge you if you walk in an hour late. (Just kidding. We’ll only point and laugh.)

Also, to celebrate an extra hour of sunshine, we’ll have a surprise dessert after the 6p service only. Even if you’re not a “dessert person” (who says that?) you’ll want this tasty treat.

Service times: 8:30, 10, 11:30a, 6p. Forward this email to a friend and invite them to sit with you.

Dads—Make sure you come to the Dad’s of daughters event (even if you don’t have a daughter YET). Details are below…

Dedications—If want to dedicate your child, it’s not too late, but make sure to contact Diane soon.

See you Sunday,


P.S.: Catch up on past messages here.
P.S.: Give to Mariners HB here.