A Note from Jeff Pries


There are a lot of exciting things coming up at Mariners Ocean Hills over these next few months. In two weeks, May 10th, it’s Mother’s Day. We always work really hard to create an environment that is honoring to moms and celebratory. We also try to strike the balance of realizing it can be a day of sadness or disappointment for some moms, so we are sensitive to those feelings as well. Whatever the circumstances, we encourage you to invite a mom or someone who is a motherly figure in your life. It will be a day of celebration and encouragement.

A huge value we hold at this church is a commitment to marriage and families. We are having our first Date Night, on Friday, May 15th. We will start the night with appetizers followed by a short message on marriage and parenting. And then, you are off on a date night and we watch your kids. You can’t beat that. Please register online here.

Finally, we are going be doing baptisms after service on the 24th of May. If you have not been baptized or know someone who hasn’t, or you want to reconfirm this defining moment in your life and get baptized again, please email Cole at cbeshore@marinerschurch.org.

These are just a few of the things we have going on. We desire to be a church that points you to Christ and helps you grow in relationship. As always, don’t just sit back and watch church, jump in, you will find out it will change your life.

Great doing life with you,

A Note from Caleb Anderson


We’re stepping in.

As a church, we’re believing that God is leading us to our next church home; we’re praying for favor in the city and miracles in people’s lives; and we’re giving to the cause.

If you missed last Sunday please listen to the message here. I want you to know the context for some massive things that are happening in our church.

For the next three weeks I’ll be talking about how the vision of our church is built on the three spiritual factors that are most important to your life, personally. This will be a month to remember in our church. Don’t miss a Sunday.

Key things to plan on:

  • May 10, Mother’s Day (you’re welcome)
  • May 14, Vision Night (HB Senior Center, 7p)
  • May 17, Commitment Sunday (bring your cards)–only three services: 8:30, 10 & 11:30a–no 6p service, May 17 only


*To set up recurring gifts to the Step In Building Campaign go here.

A Note from Jeff Maguire


As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.
Psalm 71:14


We’re not allowed to use “always” in my house. Usually, always is part of an accusation about something someone did, based in reality, but wildly exaggerated. It is often accompanied by its twin, “never”.  We’re quick to apply the eternality of always and never when we accuse. It gives our allegations a hyperbolic power that our words need to drive our point home:

“You always take the best seat on the couch!”
“You always choose what we watch on TV!”
“You never share your stuff!”

At least, that’s what I yap at my kids from time to time. Perhaps, you are a bit more disciplined than me.

When words are used in extreme poles they can be dismissed. There are so few behaviors that are ALWAYS (or never) practiced. Our lives dictate that, practically speaking, there is never an always. So when we encounter always in the Bible, we’re quick to dismiss it. Even still, the biblical writers use it. They describe God with it — his love, his power, his presence. But, the most troubling way in which it is used is when it accompanies suffering and trial. To be clear, it’s not that suffering will always or never happen. It’s something different. There is a biblical mandate that faithful people follow in which they seem to be able to do something I have not ever been able to replicate.

The author of Psalm 71 writes these words: “…I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.” Always? I guess I have a hard time believing that. I’ve seen bleakness. I’ve seen despair. I’ve known some of it, too. We all have. Hope was there, but I don’t know that I could honestly apply the always-tag to it. The only time I believe in this kind of thing, is when I encounter someone whom I know who is: a) suffering and b) being honest about it. Then, I can hear them talk about hope in trial, joy in suffering, and utilizing the aforementioned everlasting words.

I know such a person. Her name is Bekah. You should read her stuff (everyone should). She’s a brilliant writer. She works on our staff. She, her husband, and their boys are in the midst of a story of trial that she has committed to share. When I talk to her, I find something that can’t be dismissed: a hope in real despair, an authentic crying out for God’s rescue. She understands something I’ve never known. I weep for them. I’m awed by her faith. I believe her when she uses words like always and never.

You can follow her journey here.

See you Sunday,


A Note from Kyle Zimmerman


I loved being able to speak during all of our weekend experiences last weekend, including Sunday Night. It was an honor and a privilege to see how God is working in and amongst people’s lives to bring freedom in this year of Jubilee! I was overwhelmed to witness the courage and honest emotion – tears of joy and hope – of the people who came forward to confess what enslaves them, acknowledge they can’t free themselves, and walk in the presence of the Holy Spirit. It was powerful. And let’s continue to join in prayer with The Church around the world as recovery efforts continue from the devastation in Nepal as well as for peace here in our own country.

Kenton is really excited to be back with you this weekend teaching in our Reset series. This is a great series to bring friends and family as so many of us have obstacles in our lives we can’t overcome…places that weigh us down…dreams that we have given up. Invite them to join us this weekend, and be sure to look through all of the opportunities to get involved in the story God is writing with one another here at Mariners and in our community.

