
A Message from Jeff Pries


Well, Easter is over, and we are in full spring mode. For some of us, it feels a bit like spring fever. We’ve made our way through winter (if we could call it a winter), and now we are excited for summer to kick in, when school is out and trips are planned and we hope that life can have a little more space and margin. For me, spring is my favorite time of year, where the temperature is warmer but not hot. Baseball is in full swing and the NBA and NHL are in the playoffs, and my kids are winding down and ready for a break.

I love THIS spring because I love the idea of our new series Reset, looking at a new way to live life and resetting our preconceived notions of what life is about. This Sunday, week two of the series, is a message for all of us. Do you ever want more out of life? Do you ever wonder if this is as good as you get or if this is all that God has for you? Do you ever give up the dream that God wants to do more for you and with you? Failure, fear, rejection or discouragement can cause you to lose heart and believe “I am what I am and I will never be more.” What if God has more for you? Don’t you want to be all that God has called you to be? And whether you say yes, or yes I think, or I’m not sure if I could, this Sunday you will find out how. I look forward to worshiping and celebrating with you.



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