
A Note from Kyle Zimmerman


“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

This week, I was reminded of what a well-rounded faith looks like as I read through our Streams in the Desert devotional from May 12. It talked about a life of faith being formed through so many areas of learning, including the trial of faith, the discipline of faith, the patience of faith, the courage of faith and finally…the victory of faith. I realized that so often I just want to live in the victory of faith without having my faith developed in all of these other areas. I’m praying for you and your faith this week, that it would be well-rounded in the presence and through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I loved celebrating Mother’s Day Weekend with you! What a profound message Kenton and Ines gave us on the power of Moms being beautiful and brave. It was such a joy to meet you and your families on the patio – to have all of the students join us in the Worship Center and to experience the energy, the relationship and the beauty of the gospel on display. I love who we are becoming and what God is doing in each one of us and our families.

This Sunday night, I invite you to join me at the Out of Darkness Premiere. I was with a team in Kenya, at Mavuno Church, when God gave the vision to our friend Prashan to unite Congo around the power of forgiveness and reconciliation and gave the dream of making this documentary to two of my good friends and members of our church. This Sunday is significant as we get to see the fruit of their efforts and the powerful work of redemption God is doing in Congo through our church partner. Please join me. You can purchase tickets and find out more here.

This weekend, we’re back in our Reset series. What a great opportunity to invite someone who is looking for a fresh start – a way to move through life with wisdom, joy, purpose and with the freedom that God intends for every one of us to embrace. I look forward to being with you all this weekend



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