
A Note From Caleb Anderson


I was at the U2 concert last night. It was my first U2 concert, and it lived up to expectations.

There’s something about gathering with people, united around an agreement that we love something—even if it’s just a group of middle-aged musicians from the north side of Dublin.

It reminded me that there’s something even more special…more sacred…when we gather together to agree that there is a God who is not only the Creator of the world, the universe, and all creation, but He is also the RE-creator of our experience of life. He’s the one who is still giving us love, newness of life, passion for today and hope for tomorrow. He’s the one who gives us a reason to keep on going. He’s the one who gives us assurance that better things are still coming. He’s the one.

It’s a beautiful day. And it’s because there is a God who is with you…who is renewing you…And this God is a God you can know.

I’m really excited about the new series we’re starting Sunday called LISTEN. It’s about how we can learn to listen to God, and actually hear from Him. As I’ve been preparing the message this week, I have a sense that this series will be a game-changer for many of us. Don’t miss a Sunday.

It is also so exciting to see that commitments and contributions to the STEP IN campaign that are coming in from many of you. THANK YOU! The future is bright.

For those of you—and it’s still MOST of you—who haven’t yet filled out a commitment card, please do. It helps us plan and determine what we can and can’t afford to do in the new space. We need you.

I love you and I’m grateful for you…and I’m praying for you today.


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here

PPS: You can listen to past messages here

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