
A Note From Jeff Pries


What a great Sunday we had this past weekend. Nothing better than a good burger and a bluegrass band. But what made the day extra special was celebrating change in the lives of those who chose to be baptized. I love how we rallied around and celebrated with them. That is the body of Christ, our church family at work. It was also fun to tell some of the great stories of those who went down to Mexico to build a house. What a fantastic life changing/bonding experience for all involved. To see more pictures of the trip, go to our Facebook page.

This weekend we will be finishing our series, Reset. What we tend to forget is that God has called us to reset our lives when we follow Him. This Sunday, we will see what that looks like. As always, be thinking and praying about who you can invite. There are a lot of great things happening here at Mariners Ocean Hills, and you have people in your life who are looking for deeper relationships with God and others. Finally, make sure you check out our summer calendar (you can pick up a copy at the Welcome Center). There are many exciting things planned, and please mark them down so that you can join the fun.

Blessings to you,


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