JHM Weekly Summer Events

JHM Summer-Weekly-Events-2015

Over the Top Tuesdays
Jul 7, 14, 28, Aug 4, 11, 6:06-8:08p, Student Center
From Glow-in-the-Dark strobe-light parties, to the wildest water wars your mind can fathom–we’re doing it all!

pARTy Wednesdays
Jul 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug 5, 12, 6:06-8:08p, Student Center
Learn to make art out of food, music, stories, dances, and drawings.

Sand & Swell Thursdays
Jul 9, 16, 23, 30, Aug 6, 13, 10:01a-6:16p, NB Pier
JHM will be at the beach ALL summer long! Look for the easy-ups and banners by the Newport Beach Pier. Bring your boards, towels, and invite your friends!

Friday Night Lights
Jul 10, 17, 24, 31, Aug 7, 14, 5:45-9:09p at the Student Center BBQ
Bring your friends and join us to play and learn a different sport every two weeks, and then be inspired by a sports-themed movie.

A Note from Jeff Pries


Well, I just got back from three days in Arizona, and wow, it was hot! I’m convinced there’s only one place that is hotter than AZ (you get what I mean here :). We are so blessed to live where we do – sorry to any Arizona natives. Many of you will be traveling for vacation this summer. As I like to say every summer, take time off to be with your family but try not to take a vacation from God and church. There’s a lot going on here and we would love for you to be with us.

This Friday it is our Framily Nights Kick off, a time to be with family and friends. We will be doing a camp out with a barbecue and fun games for everyone. We’ll also enjoy a movie and s’mores. So whether you want to come for part or all, you are invited…and bring a friend! Dinner starts around 6:30p.

This weekend we’ll be back in our Listen series, where we’ll once again be exploring what it looks like to hear from God. Blessings to you all.

Take care,


A Note from Jeff Maguire


“…We were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.”  – PSALM 126:1-2

God’s work is serious. The world is, at a minimum, difficult. But, over and again, throughout the biblical narrative, two things are being called upon repeatedly: one is gratefulness and the other is joy.

There’s no record of Jesus laughing in Scripture. The Gospel of John famously records that “Jesus wept.” But, there’s no corresponding, “Jesus laughed.” For some, this absence of a laughter-account evidently creates an assumption that Jesus longed for the perpetual somberness of His followers. But, I highly doubt it. The Psalmist writes about a hopeful anticipation of a future event — an event in which God rescues His people. Notice that the language is curiously written in the past-tense (an expression of faith): “Our mouths were filled with laughter.

Play and laughter are a part of joy — even future joy. This Sunday after church, we’ll play together. We’ll head to the beach (Doheny State Beach, near lifeguard tower 12 at around 1p) for a Mariners beach day. The Maguire’s van will arrive at church packed with surfboards so we can hit the sand immediately after church is over. We’ll eat hot dogs likely to be unfortunately “gritted” with sand. We’ll build castles. We’ll play volleyball. Maybe, in the midst of teaching our kids how to throw a frisbee or brave the surf, we’ll become “like those who dreamed.”

We’ll continue in our LISTEN series this Sunday and then head out to the beach. Bring some money for parking and whatever you want/need at the beach. Look for the Mariners flag and a crowd of people who could probably use more sunscreen and “whose mouths [are] full of laughter.”

See you Sunday,


A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


Dadfest 2015 was unbelievable!

Because you guys invited friends and family to join you, you made it the most highly-attended service (outside of Christmas and Easter) ever at Mariners Church Irvine! What a great time to celebrate the men in our lives, and most of all, remember that we have a loving, heavenly Father who is constantly speaking to us and reminding us of who we are as His kids. I loved being here and celebrating with you.

In this season of Jubilee, it is awesome to see God at work – through Dadfest, our recent Rooted celebration and Jubilee weekend where we celebrated the past 50 years of our church. Also, as I sit here writing this, I’m watching over 4,000 kids and volunteers swarm the campus experiencing the Sweet Life VBS. It’s been an amazing week watching God build relationships that will last a lifetime, both with Him and one another.

Invite your friends and family to join us this weekend as we celebrate all that God is doing through VBS and all that He will continue to do through our church in the community. What a great adventure we are on together…


A Note From Caleb Anderson


Yesterday evening I sat for 40 minutes with my two-year-old, Jack, pouring water from one plastic cup to another. He barely said a word. He just poured. When I got up to do something else he came and found me a few minutes later. “Play cups, daddy, play cups.”

And back I went. Pour. Receive. Pour.

The life of a two-year-old.

Sadly, it took me a good 20 minutes before I started paying attention and reflecting on how unique those moments were. Jack didn’t need to talk. He just wanted to be with me. Pour water from one cup to another and back again. And as he did, he was learning.

I could see in his eyes that Jack was learning about how the world works. When I tip it this far, that much water moves. If I tip it further, more water. If water spills to the ground, I can’t get that water back in my cup.

I’m still learning how the world works. I’m still learning that if I stop what I’m doing and pay attention, there are beautiful moments to be had—like with my son.

In related news, God is speaking to you all the time. Are you listening?

Just two messages left in our Listen series, and I’m very excited about both of them. Do what you can join us both 6/28 and 7/5.

Pay attention to our Summer Calendar and jump in, make friends, make something better with your presence.

We love you and are grateful for you. Enjoy the first days of summer!


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

Outreach Summer Camps


You have the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children by being the hands and feet of Jesus! We are in need of camp counselors, life guards, nurses and worship leaders at our Outreach Camps this summer. Stop by the spotlight patio table this weekend to learn more!

Foster Teen Summer Camp: July 31-August 2
For more info or to fill out an application, contact foster@marinerschurch.org

LCC Elementary Summer Camp: August 7-9
For more info or to fill out an application, contact nmclaughlin@marinerschurch.org

Homeless Ministry Gatherings

Join our Homeless Ministry team as they care for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of homeless population in Santa Ana. Come share in stories, dessert, and board games. Our desire is to create relationships, provide an opportunity to get to know Jesus, and take steps to get off the streets. For more info or to signup, contact Danielle at danielle.libring@railpros.com

Saturday, June 27, 5:45-7:30p, 818 E. 3rd Street, Santa Ana