
A Note From Jeff Pries


This weekend, the men of Ocean Hills heading up to the Men’s Retreat. Please be praying for them – that God will speak to each of them uniquely and that quality relationships will be made. Oftentimes, camp can have a profound impact on our lives, and we pray that is what happens to the men of Ocean Hills this weekend, as they find community and hear God’s voice.

Speaking of hearing God’s voice, we are moving into our new series LISTEN starting this weekend. We live in a world of overload, bombarded on all sides, from the phones that we carry, to the music we hear, to the TV we watch. The idea of finding quiet sounds like a nice concept, but in reality, it’s hard to do. The idea of hearing God’s voice amidst the chaos of life seems even more challenging. But isn’t that we want – to be able to hear from God, to recognize His voice and follow? That is what our new series is about: it’s learning to listen and hear from God. Join us this Sunday as we open up this new compelling series designed to draw us closer to God.


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