
A Note From Caleb Anderson


Yesterday evening I sat for 40 minutes with my two-year-old, Jack, pouring water from one plastic cup to another. He barely said a word. He just poured. When I got up to do something else he came and found me a few minutes later. “Play cups, daddy, play cups.”

And back I went. Pour. Receive. Pour.

The life of a two-year-old.

Sadly, it took me a good 20 minutes before I started paying attention and reflecting on how unique those moments were. Jack didn’t need to talk. He just wanted to be with me. Pour water from one cup to another and back again. And as he did, he was learning.

I could see in his eyes that Jack was learning about how the world works. When I tip it this far, that much water moves. If I tip it further, more water. If water spills to the ground, I can’t get that water back in my cup.

I’m still learning how the world works. I’m still learning that if I stop what I’m doing and pay attention, there are beautiful moments to be had—like with my son.

In related news, God is speaking to you all the time. Are you listening?

Just two messages left in our Listen series, and I’m very excited about both of them. Do what you can join us both 6/28 and 7/5.

Pay attention to our Summer Calendar and jump in, make friends, make something better with your presence.

We love you and are grateful for you. Enjoy the first days of summer!


PS: You can set up STEP IN contributions here.

PPS: You can listen to past messages here.

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