
A Note From Kyle Zimmerman


My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  John 10:27

LISTEN… can you hear the voice of God above all the other noise in this world? Can you hear the truth of who He is – that He loves you unconditionally and that He created you to play a profound role in this world for His kingdom? I love this new series we’re walking through together and how we’re learning to LISTEN for God’s voice, believing that He will speak truth into every corner of our lives –  our marriages, relationships with kids, friends, classmates, co-workers, finances, health – the list goes on and on. In a year of Jubilee, God wants to continue bringing freedom, healing and new life into our stories. Let’s continue to pursue Him together as we listen for Him each day.

This weekend, we’re celebrating our country’s independence and kicking off summer with one another! This is the perfect weekend to invite our friends and family to join us as we pursue Him and become who He’s called us to be.



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