
A Note From Jeff Pries


VBS is in full swing! It’s such an amazing week as our Children’s Ministry takes over, transforming our campus into a giant candy land. There are more than 300 kids attending VBS this year and over 150 of you volunteering and helping out! It is such a great picture of the church we are called to be – reaching our community and impacting the lives of the next generation. As the week continues, we would appreciate you keeping these kids and volunteers in your prayers. It’s going to be so fun in our services this weekend, celebrating all that God did this week!

I also want to remind you that our “Framily” Fun Night is quickly approaching. We are planning a fantastic evening for everyone. If this church errs on the side of anything, it’s that we value authentic relationships with one another, and events like this are incredible opportunities to get to know one another better! Even more so, it’s a perfect opportunity to invite someone! There are people in our lives who need and WANT to be invited, to church and to these events, and it is on us to be the ones to invite them. Who is God putting on your heart to invite to Sunday morning services or events like “Framily” Fun Night?”

Hope you all are having a wonderful week and I can’t wait to see you this Sunday as we continue our new series, Oh! The Places We’ll Go.

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